API Reference
  • 13 Dec 2022
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API Reference

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Article summary

This section outlines how to make request queries to the Tag.bio API, AKA the “Flux Capacitor”, henceforth referred to as the “FC”, and how to process its response.

All FCs respond to the same API methods - yet the FCs contain different data sources and have different, domain-specific functionality. This is similar to an HTTP web server, which contains generic methods, e.g. GET, POST, PUT, but serves up domain-specific content and facilitates domain-specific functionality via those generic methods.

For example, the query string parameters of a GET request to an HTTP web server, header attributes of the request, or even the URL location path can be utilized by an HTTP web server to invoke domain-specific functionality and return domain-specific content.

The FC API follows the same principle.

In addition, the FC API, running with a specific version of the server codebase, and being based on immutable source data which may be versioned, has a generic method for clients to request that metadata (e.g. data version, server version, data compilation timestamp, server start timestamp).

Also, most domain-specific functionality within an FC can be described and communicated to the requesting client using the generic API methods.

Most API calls to the FC are easy to understand. Depending on the complex functionality invoked on the FC by an API call, results can range from simple to highly complex - and potentially quite large in volume.