  • 27 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The categorical-row parser will load data from one or more rows from a source data table into categorical variables within collections.

It inherits attributes and data loading behaviors from the abstract row parser type.

Attribute - indicator

The indicator attribute is optional. It specifies a value which will indicate that an entity should be included in the generated variable for that row.

  "parser_type": "categorical-row",
  "collection": "collection_name",
  "variable": {...},
  "indicator": "1"

Attribute - map

The map attribute is optional. It can be used as an alternative to using the variable attribute. Variable names will be created from the values within each row.

  "parser_type": "categorical-row",
  "collection": "collection_name",
  "map": {
    "1": "XXXX",
    "0": "YYYY",

Attribute - value

The value attribute is optional. It can be used as an alternative to using the variable attribute. It specifies a constant value which will become the variable name.

  "parser_type": "categorical-row",
  "collection": "collection_name",
  "value": "Is in dataset"

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