Column Parsers
    • 27 Jul 2022
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors

    Column Parsers

    Article summary

    The column parser is the abstract parent type for a wide variety of other parsers which load data from one or more columns in the source data.

    As an abstract type, it is not possible to instantiate a column type parser - only its child types.

    Parser types which inherit from the column type are designed to create and load data into categorical or numeric variables within collections. They will typically include some of the following common attributes.


    The column attribute links the column name in the source data table to the system.

      "parser_type": "ptpt",
      "column": "cccc"

    nesting column parsers

    Source data sometimes requires a sequence of manipulations before it is usable. The column attribute of a parser can itself contain another parser. When nested this way, each parser is completed starting first with the inner most and finishes with the parent parser.

      "parser_type": "tttt",
      "column": {
        "parser_type": "tttt",
        "column": "cccc"

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