    • 27 Jul 2022
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors


    Article summary


    creates: sequential set

    A categorical-graph variable object produces a sequential set when evaluating a sequence parser object.

      "data_function_type": "categorical-graph",
      "criterion": {
      }, //A categorical variable object used to specify the node of interest within the graph
      "graph": {
        "graphs": [
          "gggg" //The collection name of the sequence collection(s) to evaluate
        "inclusive": "tftf", //Used to include the node of interest in the response, defaults to false
        "distance": [
          -#, # //An ordinal numeric value or values used to define the distance to travel along the graph from the node of interest
        "stop": {
        }, // A variable object to inspect as a stopping point along the graph
        "stop_operator": "oooo", //Options are "<", "<=", "=", "!=", ">=", ">"
        "stop_value": # //A numeric value
        "seek": {
        }, //A variable object to inspect as a starting point along the graph
        "seek_operator": "oooo", //Options are "<", "<=", "=", "!=", ">=", ">"
        "seek_value": # //A numeric value

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